Allow yourself to have fun and explore watercolors at home, using this real-time, detailed video art lesson.
In this digital art lesson, you’ll receive:
- An email confirmation with step-by-step instructions
- A 4 page handout to print; containing:
- A high resolution reference photo
- A line drawing of the subject
- A list of watercolor supplies
- Paint colors & mixtures used for this painting
- A 2 hour video art lesson containing:
- A brief video Introduction
- Suggested painting supplies
- Suggested paint colors & mixtures
- How to transfer a line drawing of the subject
- How to apply masking fluid
- How to paint a wet-into-wet loose background
- How to paint detailed Red Poppies step-by-step
- A brief video Conclusion
If you enjoy this video art lesson, please consider taking photos of your painting and tagging Kristi (@KristiArzola) on social media or leaving her a review.